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There are a variety of batteries available for the iPod. Thanks to aftermarket parts manufacturers, there are many options available when choosing a new battery. If you use an iFlash adapter or similar flash mod component, you are likely to have more space inside your iPod. One way to take advantage of that extra space is to insert a larger battery.

Below is a grid of the different batteries available for the 5/5.5/6 generation iPods. (Images will be added in the very near future)

Image Capacity Fits with Hard Drive? Fits with iFlash Solo? Fits with iFlash Dual? Fits with iFlash MSATA? Fits with iFlash Quad? Fits with iFlash CF Adapter?
550mah Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
850mah (thin)
850mah (thick)
2000mah (square) No
2000mah (rectangle) No Yes
3000mah (narrower) No Yes
3000mah (wider) No No


Link to iFlash's guide on 3rd party batteries: